
My name is Chairul Matin, born on September 1999, at Ciamis, a small city near the countryside. Now I see myself as College Student, naive but trying to be creative and a bit of lazy person, but of course I do my work, otherwise I won’t survive at the University.

Now I will tell to whoever read this, a little story about my non-complete life, hopefully become a good life.

I attend University of Gunadarma as a Student of Computer System in Faculty of Computer Science. I love Information Technology, I tend to follow every unique tech or blowing-up tech every year. Of course I couldn’t afford the money to buy new tech every year, but read their uniqueness and usefulness make me excited, it’s like I’m moving to the future.

My dream is to be a Computer Engineer, and work as specialist in Embedded System departement. For my Goal, I always try to work hard, achieve something meaningful everyday. But Computer is not the only one who exist in my mind, I have interest in Social Science too, unlike Computer, Human is harder to decipher, with complicated mind and unique body, our behaviour is perfect example of perfect creation of God. Sometimes we as Human had our Emotional crisis of something non-crucial, sometimes we chose the wrong choice even from the start we know that was wrong, sometimes we even tricked by our own emotion and forgot the logical thinking. That’s why Human are interesting to be studied, that’s why in my opinion we are the perfect creature to rule the earth, to be better or worse.

My parents always tell me to be grateful to whatever God give to me. Because of that mindset, I often feel light about any problem that came to me. Speaking of problem, there’s interesting perception about problem that intriguing me, “The more you know, the more problem you have.” in the past my younger-self, took that word seriously, I even began to think that being ignorant was not bad choice. But the logic is, the Problem exist to be solved, by learning some knowledge, but on other hand Knowledge create more Problem, I’m not trying to be sound philosophical, I just think that is interesting. But we know for sure, ignorant is not bliss, lose something in life by something unknown, isn’t that awfully stupid? The more information we have, the more chance we have to achieve our goal. 

As a College Student, I have to manage my time. Because I really love Video Game, that’s always my priority when I decided my schedule, study come first of course. Video Games make my life colourful, it takes away all the stress, make me temporary forget about harsh reality. But that doesn’t mean I run away from reality, I just use Video Games as a resting place. And don't misunderstand, I’m not a loner, I have many friends in college, and I also served as an Assistant at LPUG. That’s mean my time to play Video Games became little and little, but it just a little sacrifice to use my time to do better things. All of us know, no one can escape time, it delivers us to the same end, death, we can’t plug our ears and cover our eyes. Because Time never awaits. 


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