Speaking Worksheet 9A - Junk Food and Video Games

Speaking Worksheet 9A

Food, especially junk food. Who doesn't like junk food? It's delicious, and affordable. On lunch break? Junk food, lazy to cook? Junk food, loves to live unhealthy life? Junk food. Junk food is love, Junk food is life! Or so they said.

Ever heard that? No? Nah, me too. Every single soul want to be healthy. But are we really want too? First point to be healthy is to eat healthy food. And of course junk food is not on the list.

Junk food is used to describe food and drinks low in nutrients (e.g. vitamins, minerals and fibre) and high in kilojoules, saturated fat, added sugar and/or added salt. Eating junk food on a regular basis can lead to an increased risk of obesity and chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some cancers. This means junk food is taking the place of other more nutritious foods in our diets.

Gaining weight is nightmare for many people, and junk food contributed for making that nightmare come true. Obesity is one of them, and obesity is serious health problem. From obesity come other trouble, in this part is more illness.

To live healthy at least we have to avoid junk food, after all food is our main source for energy. If even our main energy came from junk food, expect sickness to come. To keep healthy is not expensive, but to cure sickness it is. We can start by reduce or stop eating junk food.

Now I am going to talk about video games. Have boring life? Video games is the answer. Video games is relaxation, fun, and make my life colourful. With video games, as if problem in real life is not even exist, just for a while. But is it really fine to live in cognitive and trapped in illusion of cyberspace? Of course not.

We, especially me, have goal in real life. I can't waste to much time in video games, even if I love to. To be honest, my age is not young anymore, but I can be said addicted to video games. Fortunately I have people to support me, even if they don't realize it.

Just imagine, what can we do by not wasting time in video games? With more time to do productive activity, we can do better things in our life. Well, there are professionals who make a lot of money by playing video games. But I'm not that skillful, so I take another way and chose to pursue my dream to become specialist in embedded system.

To much video games can also make brain tired, lost focus, and sometimes can cause death. Someone who addicted to video games is rarely has good sleep routine, that's not good for health. And they often forget about eating too.

Nowaday, I play video games if I have really freetime. And as college student, I almost don't have freetime anymore. Even if I have, I was just too tired and went to sleep.

In the end, both Junk Food and Video Games have problem with Healthy life. 


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